Client Bill of Rights

All Fooks-Michnya Associates, LLC clients have the following rights:
- To be treated with dignity and respect, free from any verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
- To be treated fairly regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
- To receive treatment on a voluntary basis.
- To be informed, in writing, of the cost of your care and treatment for which you or your relatives may have to pay.
- To participate in the planning of your treatment and care.
- To receive prompt, professional, competent, and adequate assessment and treatment.
- To be informed of your treatment and care, including alternatives to and possible side effects of treatment.
- To be given written information of and consent for any experimental treatment or research prior to participation.
- To be filmed, taped or photographed only after giving informed, written consent to it.
- To be treated in the most clinically appropriate and least restrictive manner to achieve treatment goals.
- To have your personal privacy respected and treatment information kept confidential (except as required or permitted by law or by a release).
- To ask to view your clinical records, and to request amendments to any information you consider incorrect or inaccurate.
- As with any legitimate grievance or perceived violation of your rights, you have the right to access county and state agencies, licensing boards, professional organizations and the courts for legal action if our procedures prove unsatisfactory to you.
If you feel your rights have been violated, you may use the following grievance procedure:
- Discuss any concerns you have with the staff member directly involved. However, you do not have to do this before filing a formal grievance with your service provider.
- If you want to file a grievance, you may do so in writing by describing both the exact nature of the grievance and what we can do to make amends or satisfy you.
- Further details on grievance procedures are available upon request.